Azure App Service

  • Supports web and mobile development
  • Build, deploy, and scale APIs and applications
  • Developers focus on code instead of infrastructure
  • Continuous integration through version control tools

Similar to AWS Beanstalk

Status: #idea
Tags: az-900Microsoft Azure Fundamentals NotesIdentity and Access Management Compute Storage Data Processing Security and Compliance Data Protection and Identity Billing and Cost Planning Resource Monitoring and Management Integration and Migration Integration and Migration to Azure Security and Compliance in Azure Networking Digital highway connecting different resources whether on-premises or on Azure platform * Content Delivery Network * Virtual Network Manager * VPN Gateway Databases Store structured and semi-structured, azure, CloudCloudCase just like cloud computing (SaaS, etc) * [ ] UI * [ ] book * [ ] zulfani * [ ] exercises * [ ] UI * [ ] assignment * [ ] responsi
