Compute Engine Scenarios

Scenario Solution
What are the pre-requisites to be able to create a VM instance? 1. Project 2. Billing Account 3. Compute Engines APIs should be enabled
You want dedicated hardware for your compliance, licensing, and management needs Sole-tenant nodes
I have 1000s of VMs and I want to automate OS patch management, OS inventory management, and OS configuration management (manage software installed) Use "VM Manager"
You want to login to your VM instance to install software You can SSH into it
You do not want to expose a VM to the internet Do NOT assign an external IP Address
You want to allow HTTP traffic to your VM Configure Firewall Rules

Status: #idea
Tags: gcp, google-cloud-engineerGoogle Associate Cloud Engineer Noteswhy use cloud? how do projects work in gcp? cloud projects and accounts Resource Hierarchy Organization Level Folder Level Project Level IAM who * single account * group can do what (rules) * basic * predefined * custom scope observability monitoring billing account load balancing Regions and Zones, CloudCloudCase just like cloud computing (SaaS, etc) * [ ] UI * [ ] book * [ ] zulfani * [ ] exercises * [ ] UI * [ ] assignment * [ ] responsi, cloud-computeCompute for CloudProvision and manage cloud resources to run application without managing physical hardware GCP offerings: * Google Compute Engine Azure offerings: * Azure Virtual Machines * Azure App Service * Azure Container Instances * Azure Functions * Azure Automated Kubernetes Service * Azure Container Apps Status: #idea Tags: Cloud References
