Basically does the logic and connects view with the model
php artisan help make:controller [ClassName]Controller
will not include any methods in the controller file
Resource --resource
php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resource
will a method for each of the available resource operations in the container file
// these methods will be generated in the controller
public function index() //Display a listing of the resource
public function create() //Show the form for creating a new resource
public function store(Request $request) // Store a newly created resource in storage
public function show(string $id) // Display the specified resource
public function edit(string $id) // Show the form for editing the specified resource
public function update(Request $request, string $id) // Update the specified resource in storage
public function destroy(string $id) // Remove the specified resource from storage
Routing a resource controller
Registering a resource route that points to the controller can be done using this:
use App\Http\Controllers\PhotoController;
Route::resource('\endpoint', [ClassName]Controller::class);
Route::resource('photos', PhotoController::class);
Status: #idea
Tags: web-programming > web-prog-mid-exam-materials Mid Exam MaterialsWeb Programming (Laravel)Mid Exam Materials
Final Exam Materials
Status: #MOC
Tags:, web-prog-mid-exam-materialsweb-prog-mid-exam-materialsWP-Mid-Exam-Materials
composer create-project laravel/laravel newProject
not necessary since no wifi and project might be already given
Setup Database
1. Open .env file and look for DB_.. and make sure its the same as this
DB_CONNECTION=mysql // XAMPP runs mysql database engine
DB_PORT=3306 // port for database
DB_DATABASE=laravelproject // make a new database name
DB_USERNAME=root // credentials for XAMPP
DB_PASSWORD= // empty