
Often compared to the conductor in a large, complex orchestra. Each musician (or application) has a specific role, and the conductor ensures everyone starts, performs, and stops at the correct times.

  • Manages ContainersContainers* Containers are like motor homes: * portable and self-contained * Motor homes contains * kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom * Containers package all necessary components to run an application * Bundles apps with all dependencies into a portable package * Runs on any machine, avoiding compatibility issues * Easily moves between different environments * Supports simultaneous running of multiple containers Status: #idea Tags: Cloud References across a group of computers
    • clusters
  • Kubernetes cluster - unified set of containerized applications working together
  • Cluster forms the backbone of Kubernetes
  • Workloads are deployed and supervised

Status: #idea
Tags: CloudCloudCase just like cloud computing (SaaS, etc) * [ ] UI * [ ] book * [ ] zulfani * [ ] exercises * [ ] UI * [ ] assignment * [ ] responsi
