Three Address Statement
Example Kenny Jingga Quiz
- mov C, , T1
(initializing array X)
- mul i, 8, T2
(declare the index with size of double)
- mov T1[T2], , T3
- param T3
(declare as paramater)
- add p, 1, T4
- param T4
(declare as paramater)
- mul q, 2, T5
- sub T5, 8, T6
- param T6
(declare as paramater)
- call f, 3, T7
(call function f with 3 parameters and store into T7)
- div T7, 2, T8
- mul 5, T8, T9
- mov T9, , C
(C = ...)
- ask micko n farrel for quiz answer
Status: #idea
Tags: compilation-techniques > Final ExamCompilation Techniques NotesMid Exam
RE to E-NFA to DFA
Context Free Grammar
Top down parsing
Final Exam
Bottom Up Parsing
Directed Acyclic Graph
TAC, Triples, Quadriples
Intermediate Code Generator
Code Generator
Annotated Parse Tree
Three Address Statement
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