
LocalizationLocalizationmulti-language support * create dictionary supported by method: App:setLocale('en'); App:setLocale('id'); supported by folder: lang en > id.php id > id.php id.php: returns key value pairs of a text ?php return [ 'title' => 'Pendaftaran Penumpang', 'name' => 'Nama', 'division' => 'Divisi', ]; id.php values can be called using: {{__('id.title')}} @lang('id.division')

SessionSession* cookies * stored in browser vs * session * stored in server steps: 1. create session controller 1. create sessions * Using function helper session(\,\). * Via the $request->session()->put(\,\) method of the Request object. * Via the Session::put(\,\) method of the Session facade. 1. read sessions * Using function helper session(\). * Via the $request->session()->get(\) method of the Request object. * Via Session::get(\) method of Session facade. 1. delete sessions * Us

MiddlewareMiddlewareinterrupts every request from a web page steps: 1. make middleware file using php artisan make:middleware 1. add logic in handle() function in middle ware file utilizing the request 1. register in the kernel.php 1. add middleware to route either one by one or using group

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ALL MY EGGS IN ONE BASKETALL MY EGGS IN ONE BASKEThttps://github.com/Darnivo/Webprog/tree/main/TestProj https://www.notion.so/RESPONSI-DOSEN-180b15279982805fa038d1352477a6be https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ezx8xgj-UKL8ZGTZR3UW3_v_FCEqVlk9YTukyExYGkE/edit?tab=t.0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/121yJ4aoZzQbhY71NySookosSJiN3dGst1UMeBFIMK_I/edit?tab=t.0 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PNngFm3_2Xx-fzt_wYawG0h6YRHjw6kV588GovEyxMQ/edit?tab=t.de446aaqjhhj AccountController.php validate([ 'username' => 'required', 'password' => 'requi