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Many of the world’s ‘best’ people understood that to change their lives, they had to change their minds.

Status: #idea Tags: change, mindset References 101 essays that will change the way you think

In short, routine is important because habitualness creates mood, and mood creates the “nurture” aspect of your personality, not to mention that letting yourself be jerked around by impulsiveness is a breeding ground for everything you essentially do not want.

Status: #idea Tags: habit, routine References 101 essays that will change the way you think

Your habits create your mood, and your mood is a filter through which you experience your life.

Status: #idea Tags: habit, routine References 101 essays that will change the way you think

You must learn to let your conscious decisions dictate your day—not your fears or impulses.

Status: #idea Tags: habit, routine References 101 essays that will change the way you think

Learning to craft routine is the equivalent of learning to let your conscious choices about what your day will be about guide you, letting all the other, temporary crap fall to the wayside.

Status: #idea Tags: habit, routine References 101 essays that will change the way you think

Happiness is not how many things you do, but how well you do them. More is not better. Happiness is not experiencing something else; it’s continually experiencing what you already have in new and different ways.

Status: #idea Tags: habit, routine References 101 essays that will change the way you think