
1. faker (lowercase)

  • In Laravel, faker is often used as a property in factories or test cases, and it provides access to an instance of the Faker class.

  • Laravel automatically resolves faker for you in many cases, such as in factory definitions or PHPUnit tests.

  • Example in a factory:

    'name' => $this->faker->name,
  • It is a shorthand for using the Faker library in Laravel.

2. Faker (uppercase)

  • Faker is the actual class provided by the Faker library.

  • It's a PHP library used to generate fake data, such as names, emails, and addresses.

  • If you want to manually create an instance of the Faker class, you can do this:

    use Faker\Factory;
    $faker = Factory::create();
    echo $faker->name;
  • In this case, Faker refers to the main library that Laravel integrates with for generating fake data.

3. fake()

  • fake() is a new helper function introduced in Laravel 9, designed to provide an easier way to access a Faker instance directly.

  • You can call it globally without needing to explicitly set up or inject Faker or faker.

  • Example usage:

    $name = fake()->name;
    $email = fake()->email;
  • It simplifies usage, especially in testing and small scripts, and is particularly useful in Laravel projects starting with version 9.

Key Differences

Term Context Purpose
faker Laravel property A shorthand instance of the Faker library, often pre-configured in factories and tests.
Faker PHP class The main library for generating fake data, requiring manual instantiation.
fake() Laravel helper A Laravel-provided helper function to quickly get a Faker instance without manual setup.


  • In Laravel 9+, fake() is the easiest and most recommended way to use Faker.
  • faker is the Laravel-integrated shorthand for an instance of Faker.
  • Faker is the original library and is still accessible manually if needed.

Status: #idea
Tags: web-programming > web-prog-mid-exam-materials Mid Exam MaterialsWeb Programming (Laravel)Mid Exam Materials Final Exam Materials Status: #MOC Tags:, web-prog-mid-exam-materialsweb-prog-mid-exam-materialsWP-Mid-Exam-Materials my-wp-uts-practice Initialization composer create-project laravel/laravel newProject not necessary since no wifi and project might be already given Database Setup Database 1. Open .env file and look for DB_.. and make sure its the same as this DB_CONNECTION=mysql // XAMPP runs mysql database engine DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 // port for database DB_DATABASE=laravelproject // make a new database name DB_USERNAME=root // credentials for XAMPP DB_PASSWORD= // empty
