Factory and Database Seeder
class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder {
public function run(): void {
// it will the factory template 10 times
prepare the model to be used by the factory by adding fillable properties
protected $fillable = ['title','description','long_description'];
create a factory and link to the model using this code:
php artisan make:factory TaskFactory -model=Task
modify the definition()
method with FakerFaker1. faker (lowercase)
* In Laravel, faker is often used as a property in factories or test cases, and it provides access to an instance of the Faker class.
* Laravel automatically resolves faker for you in many cases, such as in factory definitions or PHPUnit tests.
* Example in a factory:
'name' => $this->faker->name,
* It is a shorthand for using the Faker library in Laravel.
2. Faker (uppercase)
* Faker is the actual class provided by the Faker library.
* It's a PHP library used to ge in the factory file:
// example: TaskFactory.php
public function definition(): array {
return [
'title' => $this->faker->sentence,
'description' => $this->faker->paragraph,
'long_description' => $this->faker->paragraph(7, true),
'completed' => $this->faker->boolean,
// example: BookFactory.php
public function definition(): array
return [
'title' => fake()->sentence(3),
'author' => fake()->name,
'created_at' => fake()->dateTimeBetween('-2 years'),
'updated_at' => fake()->dateTimeBetween('created_at','now')
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