
Type of InterruptionType of InterruptionInterrupts can be broadly categorized based on their causes, each enabling the processor to handle different types of events more efficiently by temporarily suspending the current task to address specific needs. The main types include: Program Interrupts These occur due to errors during instruction execution, such as arithmetic overflow, division by zero, illegal instructions, or memory access violations. They allow the system to manage such exceptions by stopping the program and signaling for

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Tags: operating-systemsOperating Systems - CloudRAM 2.0 My OS Mid Exam Prep Notion Other people's notes: Norberth's Notes Mid Exam Materials Final Exam M[aterials Status: #MOC Tags:, os-mid-exam-materialsOS Mid Exam NotesMicroprocessor µLinux vs Linux PThread Multilevel Scheduling: Round Robin & FCFS Computer Components Interrupts Process States Application Process Deeply Embedded Systems Status: #idea Tags: operating-systems References
