Type of Interruption

Interrupts can be broadly categorized based on their causes, each enabling the processor to handle different types of events more efficiently by temporarily suspending the current task to address specific needs. The main types include:

Program Interrupts

These occur due to errors during instruction execution, such as arithmetic overflow, division by zero, illegal instructions, or memory access violations. They allow the system to manage such exceptions by stopping the program and signaling for corrective actions.

Timer Interrupts

Generated by an internal timer, these interrupts enable the operating system to perform periodic tasks, like managing system processes or resource allocation, by triggering at regular intervals.

I/O Interrupts

Issued by I/O devices, these interrupts signal the completion of data transfers or indicate errors in device operations. By using I/O interrupts instead of waiting (polling), the processor can continue other tasks until the device signals it has completed, enhancing efficiency.

Hardware Failure Interrupts

Triggered by hardware issues like power failures or memory parity errors, these interrupts are critical for protecting system data and ensuring a safe shutdown or alert for immediate corrective actions.

Overall, each type of interrupt helps optimize processor utilization by addressing specific events without disrupting the primary user program's flow more than necessary.

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Tags: InterruptsInterruptsType of Interruption Status: #idea Tags: operating-systems, os-mid-exam-materials References, operating-systemsOperating Systems NotesDownloadMoreRAM.com - CloudRAM 2.0 My OS Mid Exam Prep Notion Other people's notes: Norberth's Notes https://www.notion.so/Operation-System-12b1620f860e80cdb47aff5eb21febb8?pvs=21 https://www.notion.so/f97c874f97bc48ab9944243d4380d3bd?pvs=21 https://www.notion.so/OS-UTS-Notes-12f40cf9fbe080268fcfe177728b6e94?pvs=21 Mid Exam Materials Final Exam M[aterials Status: #MOC Tags:
