Ivan Sebastian CT UTS Quiz

1.    Given  RE (Reguler Expresion):

(a|b)+ (a+b)* ab+

Find the DFA from RE given above

2.    Given RE (Reguler Expresion):

(k|l)* kl?k(kl)+

Find the DFA using Ɛ-NFA

  1.       X -> a or b Y | XZ | a or b | Z and Y | Z or Y

Y -> do while a X | do while a Y | Y log b

Z -> a | b

a.     Do Left Recursion from the grammar above

b.    Do Left Factoring from the grammar above

  1.       O -> KO’

O’-> +KO’ | Ɛ

K -> EK’

K’ -> *EK’ | Ɛ

E ->  /E | (O) | y | a

a. Find the first from the grammar above

b. Find Follow from the grammar above

c. Create the Parsing Table

d. Track the parsing movement with input: y/a*y+a



Status: #idea
Tags: compilation-techniquesCompilation Techniques Notes* [ ] Assigments RE to DFA Example Kenny Jingga CT UTS Quiz kennydfa1.png kennydfa2.png kennydfa3.png Example Ivan Sebastian CT UTS Quiz RE to E-NFA to DFA Example Kenny Jingga CT UTS Quiz kenny1.png Example Ivan Sebastian CT UTS Quiz ivan2.png WRONGGGG Context Free Grammar Top down parsing Example Alvina Aulia Top Down Parsing 1. E -> TE' 1. E' -> +TE' | ε 1. T -> FT' 1. T' -> \FT'* | ε 1. F -> (E) | id First Values: 1. First E = (, id (this is from E -> T -> F) 1. First E' =
