RE to E-NFA to DFA

Example Kenny Jingga CT UTS QuizKenny Jingga CT UTS Quizkenny_jingga_uts_comptech_quiz.png responsigcctuts.jpg Status: #idea Tags: compilation-techniques References


Example Ivan Sebastian CT UTS QuizIvan Sebastian CT UTS Quiz1.    Given  RE (Reguler Expresion): (a|b)+ (a+b)\* ab+ Find the DFA from RE given above 2.    Given RE (Reguler Expresion): (k|l)\* kl?k(kl)+ Find the DFA using Ɛ-NFA 3.       X -> a or b Y | XZ | a or b | Z and Y | Z or Y Y -> do while a X | do while a Y | Y log b Z -> a | b a.     Do Left Recursion from the grammar above b.    Do Left Factoring from the grammar above 4.       O -> KO’ O’-> +KO’ | Ɛ K -> EK’ K’ -> \*EK’ | Ɛ E ->  /E | (O) | y | a a. Find the first from the gra

ivan2.png WRONGGGG

Status: #idea
Tags: compilation-techniques > Mid ExamCompilation Techniques NotesMid Exam RE to DFA RE to E-NFA to DFA Context Free Grammar Top down parsing Final Exam Bottom Up Parsing Directed Acyclic Graph TAC, Triples, Quadriples Intermediate Code Generator Code Generator Annotated Parse Tree Three Address Statement resources: * [x] watch all alvina aulia vids * [x] watch responsi (after OS) * [ ] try example questions from kenny * [ ] try example questions from others * [ ] practice weak
