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multi-language support * create dictionary supported by method: App:setLocale('en'); App:setLocale('id'); supported by folder: lang en > id.php id > id.php id.php: returns key value pairs of a text ?php return [ 'title' => 'Pendaftaran Penumpang', 'name' => 'Nama', 'division' => 'Divisi', ]; id.php values can be called using: {{__('id.title')}} @lang('id.division')

Locally-redundant storage (LRS)

multiple copies in one datacenter * Lowest-cost option with basic protection against server rack and drive failures. * Recommended for non-critical scenarios. lrs.png Status: #idea Tags: az-900, azure, Cloud References

Mainstream services

Services that are accessible in all recommended regions for deployment. * Azure API Management * Azure Container Registry * Azure Functions * Azure Private Link * Azure Virtual WAN Status: #idea Tags: az-900, azure, Cloud References

Memory Management

Partitioning, Placement Algorithm * logical address - used by programs that are run above the OS so that they are easily accessible and standardized * physical address - the physical RAM memory address * logical address is translated to physical address using MMU variable partition * OS maintains information about: * allocated partitions (for OS and other fixed programs) * free partitions (hole) (for new processes) pros and cons fixed partitioning * internal fragmentation dynamic pa


gcp: Memory Optimized (M2, M1): Ultra high memory workloads Use cases: * Large in-memory databases and In-memory analytics Status: #idea Tags: gcp, google-cloud-engineer, Cloud, cloud-compute, Google Compute Engine, Steps when creating a VM Instance in Google Compute Engine, Google Compute Engine Family or Machine Types, ccp, AWS EC2, AWS EC2 Instance Types References


* Splits apps into smaller, independent parts * ï»żï»żSelf-contained units for specific functions Status: #idea Tags: Cloud References