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Pros and cons of each allocation method
Describe the 3 file allocation method including its advantages and disadvantages
File allocation methods are crucial for managing how files are stored and accessed on secondary storage. Three common file allocation methods are contiguous allocation, chained allocation, and indexed allocation, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages.
Contiguous allocation involves assigning a single continuous block of space for a file at the time of its creation. This method provides high performance f
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Provided & maintained by Google or Open source communities or third party vendors
Status: #idea
Tags: gcp, google-cloud-engineer, Cloud, cloud-compute, Google Compute Engine, Steps when creating a VM Instance in Google Compute Engine, Boot disk, AWS EC2, Image Types
explanation and exercises for RE to DFA
RE to E-NFA to DFA
explanation and exercises for RE to E-NFA to DFA
specific geographical locations to host your resources
* each region has at least 3 zones
Status: #idea
Tags: Cloud
Reservations or Committed Use Discounts
Commit for 1 year or 3 year plans for cost reduction
* Like advanced hotel booking
* Secures space at lower rates
* Ensures availability on arrival
* Avoids premium on-the-spot rates
Use case:
* consistent resource usage / workloads with predictable resource needs
* long-term projects
How reservation works in Azure:
* Save up to 72% off pay-as-you-go
How reservation/committed use discounts works in GCP:
Up to 70% discount** based on machine type and GPUs
Applicable* for ins